SAMSUNG x WK Breaking 'Flip The Rules'

In Flip the Rules, the B-girls and Samsung encourage young people to go their own way. You don't have to swim the flow 'because that's the way it is', but you can and may flip the rules. 
And if you realize and believe that, maybe on day you will be at the Olympics...

Production Company: Wenneker
Director Anthony Nti
DP: Virgil Leclercq
Executive Producer Ben Wevers
Producer: Roxanne Wyllemann

Post-Production Company: MAKE
Post-Producer: Leslie Verbist
Offline Editor: Frederik Vandewalle
Online Editor: Pierre Mailly
Grading: Joshua Borrill
Sound: Mathieu Grillo
Music: Abraham Blue

Agency: TBWA
Creative Director: Thomas Driesen
Copywriter: Luca Garcia
Art Director: Ema Vukas
Client Service Director: Anne-Cécile Collignon
PR Consultant: Nell Dumortier
Account Director: Aubry Crock
Agency Producer: Lore Desmet

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